Research Cores are centralized shared research resources that provide access to equipment, instruments, technology and expertise. Research Cores at the University of South Carolina facilitate cutting-edge research to stimulate and increase research productivity and encourage collaboration. 


Need an iLab Account?

Click the green "login" button, located at the top right side of this page, to get started. The system is accessible to University of South Carolina faculty, staff, and students through your USC username and password. Individuals associated with the University of South Carolina without University credentials will need to click the "register" link to create an iLab account. Once you complete the one-time registration process and are approved by your PI or Lab Manager, the system will enable you to place service requests, provide required approvals, and monitor progress. 

Questions about USC Research Cores? 

Dr. Robert Price, Executive Director of Research Facilities & Infrastructure,

Savannah Britz, Director of Finance & Business Operations,, 803-544-1190



iLab Cores at University of South Carolina

Core Name Primary Contact Email Phone Number/Ext
Electron Microscopy (EM) Center

Jibin Zhao (803) 777-4834
Functional Genomics Core

Diego Altomare 803-777-6682
Instrumentation Resource Facility

Mass Spectrometry

Michael Walla 803-777-2039
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Facility

Perry J. Pellechia 803-777-2088
The Microscopy and Flow Cytometry Core

Vitali Sikirzhytski 803-777-4689
The Mouse Experimentation and Germ-Free Core Facility (MEF/GFC)

Maredith Richardson
X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)

Santosh Kiran Balijepalli 803-777-3949